Friday, January 20, 2012

Browser Compatibility : vertical-align : middle using IE7 and CSS

Developing websites force the developer to work using different browsers with different versions also.

Internet Explorer's behavior with CSS is different than other browsers. CSS's vertical align : center doesn't work in IE7 and here is the expression to make it work perfectly.

Normal html developer :
1- in your folders, go to styles folder and create a new file called "style.ie7.css" .
2- in your page <head> tag insert the following code :
<!--[if IE 7]><link rel="stylesheet" href="[your style path]/style.ie7.css" type="text/css" media="screen" /><![endif]-->
3- Open "style.ie7.css" file and write the following expression inside the component ( div, a, li, ul ... etc ) that you want to vertically align center :
     margin-top: expression(this.offsetHeight < this.parentNode.offsetHeight ? parseInt((this.parentNode.offsetHeight - this.offsetHeight) / 2) + "px" : "0");

Drupal Developer :
1- go to sites/all/themes/[YOUR_THEME] ... or where ever you put your themes folder, go inside it.
2- open the file called "style.ie7.css".
3- at the end of the code, add your components css class ( div, a, li, ul, .... etc ) and then add the following code inside it:
     margin-top: expression(this.offsetHeight < this.parentNode.offsetHeight ? parseInt((this.parentNode.offsetHeight - this.offsetHeight) / 2) + "px" : "0");

this expression will calculate the height of every container and divide it by 2 to get the middle of the container, then it will put margin-top that puts your component vertically in the middle of its container.

1 comment:

  1. YOU ARE DA MAN! That worked/works perfectly.
